
I got this absolutely amazing wonder through the post (Wonder: The Natural History Museum Poetry Book) and I still utterly cannot believe it that I actually have a poem in it.

I didn’t submit – what was so incredible was that Ana Sampson saw the poem from The Emma Press and really wanted it and that feeling is indescribably something. I have had a lot of really wonderful feedback about the poem already and I am glad I went through the joys of the idea and the trials of making it appear! I wonder if it will actually be stocked in the Natural History Museum?

In other news, I have not really submitted much at the moment as I have been busy with lots of other writing (just for the pleasure and learning of it for myself), just bits and bobs here and there. A while ago I had a poem almost considered for Poetry Wales which very much felt like a miracle in itself as this was attempt number 7. After rejection number 6 under the previous editorship, I had come to the conclusion that my work was not right for this particular magazine (you can’t win ’em all). And it seems there are only so many bruises a heart can take! When the editorship changed, I thought maybe…and that resulted in an almost. So I heartened, dusted off my best and tried on the next call out. I was over the flipping moon to get a yes this time, with the loveliest message from them and I felt so warm and bubbly, including: ‘There was a big debate over whose section would house this poem, but ultimately Isabel Baafi won! And your poem will appear in a special section of poems selected by her.’, which is the most wonderful compliment.

I think I will take from this that patience, hope, hard work, endurance and a sheer will not to quit are good tools for the poetry box. Now I am wondering whether or not to apply these tools to another well known magazine, who at last count, late last year, had offered me rejection number 8. Maybe! Maybe they just still are not used to the way I write and as my work gets more and more radical in style and content, maybe they will, maybe they won’t! But it keeps you on your toes, trying! No laurel resting here!

Photo Credit Colin Potsig

About Me

I am a writer, mainly of poems but I sometimes dabble in prose, short stories and essays when the mood takes me! I have a lot of thoughts about my personal journey through the ‘writer’s life’ which I thought might be useful or interesting to share.

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