Readings / Workshops / Events

“Thank you so very much for tonight’s Praise and Prompt workshop. It was fab! You are an excellent facilitator, and I learned a lot from you and the other participants. Thanks again – I look forward to trying to write something from the interesting prompts.” K.S.

“Wow, Jane your Praise and Prompt workshops are incredible. Great choices and you offer such thoughtful questions. I don’t think I often read properly with such concentration. You are so focussed. Thank you so much and to the others who were there.” R.G.

“It was just a bit fabulous… OK, it was EXTREMELY FABULOUS! Thanks Jane Burn for a really fun and challenging online workshop. Loved hearing others’ writing too – beautiful. I’ve got some gorgeous ideas of my own to work on.” A.W

“It was such a great workshop! I’m definitely going to use the prompts in the future to get inspiration flowing.” A. H.L.

“I read the slides sent in advance was wrote a draft based on that which I’ve worked on more today and I’m amazed that even just your notes before the workshop are so inspiring. I’m also catching up with the video now – wow, what material and what incredible poems people wrote. You are really a gift to poets.” S.A.

Feedback interspersed throughout the pictures.

“Thank you so much for a workshop full of joyful, quirky inspiration. I’m a bit of a cynic so it’s hard for someone to prize out the soft me and you did. I loved the workshop and felt very connected to you, the material and the lovely people in our zoom room. With my rational brain I deeply admired the thoughtful structure, the appearance of ease and casualness which rests on masses of research, skilful workshop design and a huge, giving heart. How hard you must have worked to take us on this magical journey. I have masses of source material from my own writing and a bit more from hearing everyone reading work, that was glorious. Aren’t we all wonderfully creative? Thank you.” C.Y.

“NEVER written so much in one day, let alone a week. Loved your approach. It was marvellous and very different. It was a knock- out, Jane. Thank you so much. I am going to try experimenting with combining some of them. Fabulous. Love the joy and the imperfect, though everyone was pretty perfect. Perhaps imperfect is just a tense!!!” R.G.

“Absolutely loved it Jane – a huge thank you – I have 14 pages of material – and the loveliest way of spending two hours in brilliant company – you are going on my grateful steps!” L.T.

“It was wonderful!! Such a lovely workshop and so enjoyed the reading at the end.” J.B.

“Such a lovely workshop, starting with your warm welcome! I’m often worried in workshops that I won’t be able to think of anything to write, but I wrote & wrote – PAGES of stuff. I really liked the way you saved reading our writing to the end, when we had lots of pieces to choose from, which really takes the pressure off.” V.M.

“Just to say xxxxx and I so enjoyed meeting you at the Jane Burn gig…Suffice to say we’re new fans of Jane. What a fabulous creator/reader of her work she is, and we so appreciated all sheinvested in with not just workshop leading, but the prep too…The big takeaway for me was, I think, that poetry excitingly offers us no end of depth to which we can go – Jane demonstrated that with the attention to her craft, and with a kind of love. With that in mind, it felt like a school day, but of the nicest kind. It was so enriching. And it’s certainly made us want to write; there’s no finer after effect.”

The Praise & Prompt sessions


‘Thanks so much for a fun, informative and inspiring session last night, Jane. It was great to engage with other poets. I have roughly drafted a poem for your first prompt.’ – T.S.

‘Thanks for helping me fall back in love with poetry’ – C. M.

‘Thank you so much for such a brilliant workshop, I really loved it and haven’t stopped smiling. The resources were so well chosen and excellent, I found them really inspiring but I found your hosting and openness the most inspiring and I’m really glad I’m booked on session 4. What a gorgeous group of people too. Thank you very very much.’ – A. G.

‘I really enjoyed tonight’s session Jane. You are very open and facilitative, made a safe space and allowed us all time. Great timing – close reading those poems/prose pieces and two great prompts. Brilliant. I’ll sign up for further sessions if I’m available. Thank you.’ – A. F.

‘Thank you so much Jane! Lovely session, really friendly, stimulating, terrific texts, warm guidance.’ – C K

“I absolutely loved Jane’s workshop, her tender passion for nature and nature writing are inspiring. The prompts allowed me to approach nature writing from some new angles and really made me think. The way Jane structured the workshop, and her kind approach, meant I didn’t feel pressured to produce a perfect poem, so I felt relaxed enough to write. I came away with the bones of several poems to work on. I’m still feeling the happiness of it this morning.” S. A.

“Jane, I cannot begin to tell you what a tonic and an inspiration it was. Just gorgeous, as always. Thank you so much.” D.G.

“Thank you so much for last night’s workshop Jane. Your approach just works so well for me, and I always love the poems you use as examples. I really needed to hear everything you said about being kind to ourselves when it comes to writing. Sometimes writing can become just another way for me to tell myself I’m not good enough so your words were a perfect reminder to just write for the love of it and to express an experience or feeling. Which is after all why we do it!” S. A.

“Thank you, I had such a brilliant time. You are a fabulous workshop leader, really inspiring, kind and nurturing. ‘Celebrating Kindness, Joy and the Poem Imperfect’ was such a massive treat, I smiled the whole time and wrote a lot. I can really recommend Jane Burn’s workshops she is inspiring, nurturing, full of ideas and her love of poetry is joy-giving also loads of amazing source material to go back and look at again. Thank you Jane” A. G.

“Lovely, lovely workshop, Jane! Thank you so much – a bit of balm for the soul after a tough day here on the farm with the loss of Ted the goat. I really enjoyed the way you staged the exercises and the different ways of exploring the core of the workshop – like others, I’ve got plenty of notes to wrangle with in the coming days/weeks. And I could listen to your beautiful voice all night – you should have your own radio show!” D. S.

“It was totally amazing–quite hard work but it just built and built till in the end we were all buzzing and smiling from ear to ear (aside from the tearful bit with the beautiful cat poem share). I hope there will be many more to look forward to, Jane. I think your workshops are quite uniquely beautiful because you fill them with such enthusiasm, such honesty, and such love for the beautiful world we live in and share with the magic of all other life.” D. T.


‘Thank you so much for all your inspiration before, during and beyond last nights course. I was really quite nervous beforehand, but as soon as I heard your voice all my fears took flight! I loved the way you put us at ease, throughout the evening, in so many ways, your speed, thoughts, feedback, personal reflections and positivity – so refreshing and made me so comfortable.

Your prompts sent me in so many directions – I struggled a little at the very beginning with giving back to nature – but by the end I’d a bumper bagful of ideas that have renewed my impetus and given me so much material to really give back, just as you had aimed me to do! Such a refreshing viewpoint from which to write!

I know that I’m a note-maker and think-a-lot-before-putting-pen-to-paper person so I did not expect to form a complete/partial piece of writing and you so beautifully enabled me to do exactly what I was comfortable with. It was a joy to hear all the other participant’s thoughts – we had so many different views and words from the same prompts!’ A.R.

I will be speaking on a panel as part of the Write Festival, South Shields, 18th September, 2022 (in person). Booking is available here.

I will be reading at Berwick Literary Festival (on Zoom) on 14th October. Booking is available here.

I will be reading at Wordplay, Monday 24th October. Booking is available here.

Leeds Poetry Festival, August, 2022.

I will be reading at Kendal Poetry Festival, 25th June 2022 – information/booking here.

The launch for my collection Be Feared took place on the 25th November, 2021. If anyone would like to watch the event, the link is on the Nine Arches channel.

Poetry Wales Magazine available here.

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